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Sienna Resources Inc. (SIE—TSX.v) (A1XCQ0–FSE) (SNNAF—OTCBB) (July 15, 2020) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce the receipt of assay results from its 2020 drill program on the Slättberg nickel-copper-PGE project in southern Sweden. The 2020 program consisted of three diamond drill totaling 707.9 meters drilled in two separate target areas and at greater depths than tested by previous programs (see Sienna New Release dated June 1 and June 30, 2020). All three holes intersected nickel-rich sulfide mineralization, including mineralization present in veins and in sulfide-matrix breccias, similar to styles of mineralization seen in earlier drill holes. The 2020 program results demonstrate that mineralization continues at depth in key target areas on the property.

The Slättberg West target hosts the most contiguous sulfide body defined to date, where each of the previous drill campaigns intersected massive sulfide mineralization. 2020 drill holes SIE20-001 and SIE20-002 targeted downward continuations of the PGE-Ni-Cu massive sulfide mineralization intersected previously the Slättberg West target. Drill hole SIE20-003 targeted platinum-rich sulfide mineralization intercepted in previous drilling at  the Slättberg East target.

Mineralized intervals from the three 2020 drill holes include:

            -SIE20003: 0.3m @ 1.25% Ni, 0.08% Cu, 0.02% Co, and 0.20ppm PGE (Pd+Pt)

            -SIE20001: 3.15m @ 0.27% Ni, 0.32% Cu, 0.02% Co, and 0.20ppm PGE (Pd+Pt)    

            -SIE20001: 2.02m @ 0.32% Ni, 0.19% Cu, 0.04% Co, and 0.20ppm PGE (Pd+Pt)

            -SIE20002: 1.7m @ 0.26% Ni, 0.27% Cu, 0.03% Co, and 0.23ppm PGE (Pd+Pt)

Styles of mineralization at Slättberg consist of veins and brecciated masses of nickel, copper and PGE-enriched sulfide mineralization associated with a swarm of mafic dikes. Many of the zones of sulfide mineralization exhibit brecciated textures indicative of remobilization from an as-of-yet undiscovered source sulfide mineralization in the area. The 2020 program demonstrates that this mineralization continues at depth at Slättberg West and Slättberg East. Further exploration is needed to identify the ultimate source(s) of this mineralization.

Jason Gigliotti, President of Sienna Resources Inc. states, “We are pleased to have our drill results back from Slättberg completed on schedule and on budget. We are experiencing a very strong junior mining market and we expect to be active on multiple projects in the summer.  These are exciting times in the junior mining space and we plan on capitalizing on this renewed excitement to the benefit our shareholders.”

The technical contents of this release were approved by Greg Thomson, PGeo, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

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Contact Information

Tel:  1.604.646.6900

Fax: 1.604.689.1733

“Jason Gigliotti”

President, Director

Sienna Resources Inc.

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